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Men seeking women show over

MSW stars Jay Baruchel as Josh, a dweeby dude looking for love.

men seeking women show over

The show’s passionate aberrance can be charming and sweet, menacing and creepy, sometimes enchanting and sometimes deeply off-putting. The priest eventually chants in Latin while spritzing a pink bra with holy water until smoke bubbles out of it. An actual priest has to perform an exorcism on the apartment to get rid of all the remnants of said ex-girlfriend, which include a pink razor that inches across the floor like a slug. His ex’s new boyfriend is the literal Adolf Hitler.

men seeking women show over

Sex aliens (“from Planet Sex”) come after him only when he has a serious girlfriend.

men seeking women show over

Every odd idea is taken to its bizarre extreme: Our hero goes on a first date with an actual troll, and is so tense about sending text messages to women that he winds up in the situation room at the Center for Important Emergencies.

men seeking women show over

Man Seeking Woman, which debuts tonight at 10:30 on the elusive FXX, is one of the most relentlessly strange shows I’ve ever seen.